"Divorce Feels Yucky!" is one of the best children’s books about divorce and parent separation. It gently tells the story of a brother and sister who were told that their parents were divorcing. The narrative features the children speaking to the reader about their feelings and the secrets they found to overcoming fear and anxiety about their future with divorced parents.
The book works to reassure young readers that the effects of divorce seem scary, but there are coping skills that can reduce their fear and anxiety. Written as one child speaking to another, the book is uplifting, reassuring, and engages with the reader in the end to address their own emotions about divorce and separation. "Divorce Feels Yucky!" is a relaxed way for children who are experiencing or learning about divorce for the first time to learn to talk about divorce.
Authors, Madison and Lucas Lovato relied on their own experience of divorce at ages 5 and 3 to connect with the reader. "Divorce Feels Yucky!" works as a healing tool for young children under 10 and is a fitting read for parents, grandparents, care takers, friends and adults involved in family separation to understand the emotions young children face when forced to deal with the divorce of their parents. Recognized for its simple approach to a complex issue, "Divorce Feels Yucky!" makes it easy for children to relate and takes steps to build a positive foundation for going thru divorce with young children.
Ideal Children’s Book about Divorce for: • Children Under 10 Going through Divorce • Helping Children Cope with Divorce • Preschoolers and Toddlers Dealing with Divorce • Creating the Best Divorce for Parents with Young Children • Divorce Books for Moms • Divorce Books for Dads • Divorce Books for Parents • Talking to Children about Divorce
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